Thursday, August 25, 2011


1.We can wear guys cloths.
    if they wear  fashion and funny cloths.
2.Our friends don't say hello to us by punching us on the arms.
3.Yea-PMS sucks. but at least we have a good excuse to chow down on chocolate for a week.
4.If we're on a really big ship that happens to hit an iceberg, we'll probably get first dibs on a lifeboat.
5. We get the bigger apartment on friends.
6.Girl talk. you know,how we just understand each other without having to explain stuff.
7.We never have to stand at a urinal and have other girls share at us.
8.Dark circles under the eyes? a hickey? we can just cover them up with a little concealer.
9.We dont have to shave our faces.
10.We can jump around a lot and shake our hair and it looks like we know how to move your body.
11.That whole circumcision things!
12.We dont have to dowse  our food in tabasco sauce just to look tough.
13.That whole circumcision thing!
14.When we get married we get to keep our own name or choose one that we like even better.
15.That special bond we have with our moms some day.

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